Divorced Men: Live The Life You Want And Have The Women You DESIRE

By Dan Santiago

My wife converted me into religion.
I never believed in hell until I married her
– HAL ROACH American Director

Despite it can sound very funny, you and me know it’s,



Screen Shot 2016-12-09 at 19.51.58You didn’t come up here to get lame ass quotes and shallow advice.
No, the journey of life continues, and marriage was only a step.
Enough of excuses, enough of living your life to meet someone else’s expectations.
Life goes on and here we are determined, we have a mission to accomplish, a huge vision for ourselves and our future.
Goals are about to be met, pussy about to get pounded, Life to get ravished by US.
Starting today,

Let’s start at the beginning.

With the BASICS
With your mind’s eye visualizing your tasks for today.
See yourself charging hard at them.

With energy, purpose and awesome fucking love.

F_200705_May22Corin_255977aGo there and greet your loved ones and let them know – by your presence and radiance – that you are there for them. Look at them in the eyes and connect to their souls by your deep penetrative glance. Reward them with your best smile.
The authentic smile comes from the eyes. Not from the mouth – Trust me, I’m an Oral Surgeon…

Your eyes, will communicate them how lucky and grateful you feel to have them in your life. Your words can confirm that, if you want to say them. And by all means do express.

If somehow at this very moment you are all by yourself, go and look at your reflection in the mirror. Take a good look at yourself. Look into your eyes. There that’s it. Connect with yourself.
Every morning, of every day.
There, is the single most important person you have to focus on.
Your folks are important, your family, kids, wife, GFs are important, but you in order to give  all your heart and guts for them, as I know you would, you first have to give that for yourself.
You have to be your focus, and I say this plain and simple
abundance-mentality-3BE SELFISH
Not self centered, selfish.
That’s right
Because things work out more like on an airplane in case of an emergency.

You have to put your oxygen mask on FIRST before you help anyone else.

You have to focus on yourself first.
And if you are a busy father, an over scheduled freelancer or a big executive on a big company, you ‘ll have to focus on yourself first, while performing all your other duties at the highest level.

If you are a father your kids will absorb all that you’ll ever show to them.
Consciously or Unconsciously they will integrate on them everything that there’s in you.
Your character strong or weak, your personality wins and flaws.


What do you really want to teach your kids ?
What do you want to leave as a legacy to them ?

I thought so.

You are your most important task.
This is all about YOU man.

This is your Hero’s journey.

So take it easy on yourself, for now, patiently give yourself a pat in the back…

Because You are here, taking action, betting on yourself and taking charge. Ninety nine percent of Men never work on themselves to upgrade their value.

Now that you are here, keep on taking action… Stop Stopping!

By all means marry; if you get a good wife
You’ll be happy; if you get a bad one, you’ll become
a philosopher. – SOCRATES.


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